Ghoud Venice



Ghoud was born from a simple yet powerful idea: to create a sneaker that embodies the essence of minimalism and hedonism. A product that is both beautiful and functional, crafted from the highest quality materials and meticulously detailed.

A Focused Communication Approach

To bring this vision to life, we developed a comprehensive communication strategy: content creation, social media, and advertising. The goal was to elevate Ghoud’s brand awareness by creating sensory experiences and associative memories that convey the product’s value.

Engaging Contents

Crafting content has played a pivotal role in Ghoud’s public debut. Our production includes photos, videos, and articles that delve into the brand’s narrative, its core values, and its philosophy. This engaging, top-tier content has piqued consumer interest and garnered their appreciation.

Social Media: A Direct Dialogue Channel

Social media has been a valuable channel for establishing a direct dialogue with the audience. We created profiles on major social networks and utilized them to share content, respond to user inquiries, and promote Ghoud products.

“Thanks to this comprehensive and targeted communication strategy, Ghoud has managed to secure a prominent position in the sneaker market. The brand has built a strong brand awareness and has cultivated a loyal audience of enthusiasts who appreciate the quality, aesthetics, and functionality of its products.”

E-Commerce: A Remarkable Success in Just Two Months

Ghoud has not only captured the public with its minimalist and hedonistic sneakers, but has also seen a surge in sales thanks to our new e-commerce platform. In just two months, online purchases have increased by 40%, a truly astonishing result.

Our Roles

  • Creative Direction
  • Art Direction
  • Brand Development
  • Visual Design
  • Motion Design
  • Naming
  • E-Commerce
  • Website
  • Virtual Showroom
  • Wholesale Integration
  • Retailers Activation
  • Channel Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • Communication Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Sales Presentation
  • POST
  • Editing
  • Sound Design/Mixing
  • Music
  • Color
  • Motion
  • Sales Presentation Direction
  • Sales Presentation Production
  • Motion Video Direction
  • Photography Direction
  • Photography Production
  • Still Image Production
  • Copywriting
  • Run of Show Development
  • Script Development
  • POST
  • Editing
  • Sound Design/Mixing
  • Music
  • Color
  • Motion
  • Sales Presentation Direction
  • Sales Presentation Production
  • Motion Video Direction
  • Photography Direction
  • Photography Production
  • Still Image Production
  • Copywriting
  • Run of Show Development
  • Script Development